An increasing number of parents are, for a wide variety of
reasons, thinking about home-schooling their children. The reasons for this
include concerns about the quality of education in public schools, inability to
afford private school, a desire to teach a curriculum grounded in the family’s
religious or philosophical beliefs, and many others.
In all 50 states in the U.S., home schooling is legal.
However, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that parents do not have a
constitutional right to home school their children. This decision gives the
governments of individual states a good deal of authority to regulate the
practice of home schooling, including the subjects that are taught in such
schools, as they see fit.
And as you might imagine, the nature and scope of these
regulations vary widely from state to state.
Wherever you live in the United States, it’s important that
you do your research on the laws that apply to home schooling, since the intent
of this article is not to provide a comprehensive survey of the laws related to
home schooling in all 50 states. However, it will provide some information
about the legal issues that come up most frequently when a parent decides to
home school their child.
State Regulation of Home School
Although all states in the U.S. allow parents to home school
their children, they also have a strong interest in ensuring that all children
receive a minimum standard of education, whether it’s in public school, a
private school, or home school.
For that reason, most states require that certain subjects
be taught in all schools, including home schools. They typically include
mathematics, reading, writing, science, and history. The requirements differ
somewhat from state to state, however. Many education companies, as well as
non-profit organizations, produce curriculums in these subjects, designed for
parents who are home schooling their children. This allows parents to teach
these courses even if they are not experts in all of those subjects, especially
when teaching them at lower levels.
Some states require parents who are home schooling their
children above a certain class level to have a state teacher’s certificate, or
to be licensed tutors.
However, many states do not have this requirement.
This means that either educational or social services
authorities may have access to your home, in order to ensure that the home and
educational environment are conducive to the child/student receiving a quality
Teaching Religious
Subjects at Home Schools
One of the most often-cited reasons for choosing to home
school is a desire of parents to teach students in accordance with their
religious or philosophical views.
In general, the First Amendment right to free exercise of
religion gives parents wide-ranging discretion to teach religious subjects in a
home school environment. It would be very difficult for a state government to
justify allowing home schooling while prohibiting religious instruction in home
schools. Any attempt to do so would likely be held unconstitutional by either a
state or federal court.
However, as mentioned earlier, state governments can, and
do, mandate that certain subjects be taught in the home school setting. Setting
up a home school for religious purposes does not create an exception to this
rule. While parents may teach whatever religious subjects they like in addition to the required subjects,
they cannot replace the required subjects with religious teachings.
There are many other rules that may apply to home schooling
in your state. It’s important for you to research the relevant laws governing
home schooling in your state.
However, there are a few more rules present in most states
that can be discussed here. For example, in most states, all courses in home
school must be taught in English – with the obvious exception of a foreign
language class.
Also, most states require home schools to be in session more
or less at the same time as other schools. So, classes have to be taught during
the day, 5 days a week. Furthermore, classes must run for a standard school
year – usually a minimum of 170-180 days. Again, the specifics vary from state
to state.
Finally, it’s important to understand the need to cooperate
with state and local authorities that are responsible for regulating home
schooling in their jurisdictions. While some of the things home schooling
parents may have to submit to, such as making regular reports to the school
district, and teaching subjects required by the state, may seem intrusive,
these rules exist for a reason.
Like it or not, we live in an interconnected society, where
nothing occurs in a vacuum. So whether they’re educated at home or in public
schools, your children will eventually grow up to be adults, and, by extension,
members of society. The state therefore has an interest in ensuring that as
many people as possible enter society (and, almost as importantly, the
workforce) with a decent education.
As you can see, the rules affecting home schooling are
numerous, and can sometimes get pretty complicated. This article is not a
comprehensive guide to the legal issues that you can face as a result of home
schooling your children, and if you require detailed information on the subject,
you should contact your state’s education authorities, and/or an attorney,
either of whom will be able to advise you further.
John Richards writes
for the Law Blog
and This blog post is
not intended to serve as legal advice. It is offered for informational purposes
only. Only an attorney licensed to practice law in your state is qualified to
give you legal advice.